Lumber & Millwork Business Under Threat


    Joye Shuler had a problem.  The state of South Carolina was building a new port terminal in Charleston and needed a road to connect it to the interstate. The footprint established for that road lay claim to one third of Joye’s lumber and millwork…


    Lumber & Millwork Business Under Threat


    Joye Shuler had a problem.  The state of South Carolina was building a new port terminal in Charleston and needed a road to connect it to the interstate. The footprint established for that road lay claim to one third of Joye’s lumber and millwork…


      What Does Public Use Really Mean?


      The South Carolina Constitution allows the use of the power of eminent domain only if the property to be taken is to be used for a public, not a private use. This seems clear enough, except when it isn’t…


      What Does Public Use Really Mean?


      The South Carolina Constitution allows the use of the power of eminent domain only if the property to be taken is to be used for a public, not a private use. This seems clear enough, except when it isn’t…

        CASE STUDY

        Phantom Midges Cause Real Damage


        The problem, in this case, was an unusual one. Every year between spring and fall for a full 15 years, the swarm of flying insects would come. Called phantom midges, they would descend upon the homes of three neighbors living in Florence County…

        CASE STUDY

        Phantom Midges Cause Real Damage


        The problem, in this case, was an unusual one. Every year between spring and fall for a full 15 years, the swarm of flying insects would come. Called phantom midges, they would descend upon the homes of three neighbors living in Florence County…